Suchana: Creative solutions to education in rural communities


Suchana works with the least privileged to articulate and actualise the right to quality education.

Suchana is a community organisation in rural West Bengal, focusing on education and health for Santhali and Kora Adivasi and other marginalised children.

Suchana works with the least privileged to articulate and actualise the right to quality education. This means creating an education which can support and sustain our cultural identities and our humanity. Parents, teachers, older children and other community members are closely involved in priority setting, running the organisation and developing its future.

As of November 2020, Suchana’s Integrated Technology in Education programme is now funded by Rukmani Trust. ITE is a pedagogical approach to integrate technology meaningful in teaching and learning in middle school such
that the adoelscents create learning artefacts using technology and teachers design culturally relevant learning activities connected to curriculum. There is a major urban-rural divide in terms of infrastructure, resources and quality educationists which significantly impacts the performance of the rural students.

The project has brought quality, child-centred learning closer to students of marginalised communities through mobile outreach to more than 2000 students so far. To know more about Suchana, visit their website here.


Online learning is helping Keya dream of a brighter future


Rukmani Trust invites corporates to come forward to support our initiatives in bridging the rural-urban digital divide in the field of education.


Rukmani Trust invites NGOs who share a similar vision to come forward and support the initiatives of the Trust.