Tag: Skill Development

  • Holding My Wealth in Trusteeship

    Holding My Wealth in Trusteeship

    In my previous blog, I had shared my journey of setting up Rukmani Trust, and our focus on educating the rural girl child to bring about lasting change in society. As the vision statement of the trust evolved, we recognized the need to leverage technology for inclusive education and bridge the rural-urban digital divide. The…

  • Here’s why we set up a public trust to support girl child education in rural India

    Here’s why we set up a public trust to support girl child education in rural India

    “Income of poorest fifth plunged 53% in 5 yrs; those at top surged.” The Indian Express – January 24, 2022 Just how many times do we encounter such headlines and choose to simply turn the page? Yet it was precisely this news piece that highlights the sharp contrast the pandemic has had on the bottom…

  • Stepping off the hedonic treadmill

    Stepping off the hedonic treadmill

    Chase your passion & money will follow. How many times have we heard this line? Yet if we are put in a position where we need to decide between chasing something that brings more money and something that we are more interested in, the decision may not come to us that easily. The following experiment…

  • Siragugal- Giving wings to dreams!

    Siragugal- Giving wings to dreams!

    With college admission time around the corner, it is a time for feverish activity for students. Think CUET, JEE, SAT, applying to Ivy League Universities and a lot more! With some students already having obtained conditional offers, all they are waiting for are good results in the board exams as a ticket to their future…

  • Changing face of Rural India; Perceptions and Future Outlook

    Changing face of Rural India; Perceptions and Future Outlook

    On a Monday morning in May saw us drive to the Nalbari district of Assam. The weather Gods were kind, providing a cloud cover and showering us with short spells of rain, a big relief from the scorching heat of north & east India. The Brahmaputra, a snow fed river was full and flowing magnificently.…

  • The Country Mouse Technology

    The Country Mouse Technology

    “I have always believed that one woman’s success can only help another woman’s success.” – a famous quote by Gloria Vanderbilt, an American Author, actress, a Fashion designer, heiress and a socialite. The opportunity to visit a city that abounds in nature’s beauty & runs along the River Brahmaputra, with the Trustees of Rukmani Trust,…

  • Connect. Understand. Exchange. Empower

    Connect. Understand. Exchange. Empower

    “Computers will become a house for the mouse.”   The line still gives me goosebumps. You may wonder what is so special about this nursery rhym-ish line? I am sure you will concur with my thoughts once you have a little more background.   We were in Baksa district of Assam, visiting some Government schools…

  • Disparity in Learning

    Disparity in Learning

    Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity – Aristotle  Education, indeed, is the key to uplifting our society, but it is a grim fact that access to education is a privilege. A privilege we take for granted. Recently, I experienced that the disparity in our society is so far-reaching that it…

  • Jiban Jatra Mentor Speak: Meghna Baruah

    Jiban Jatra Mentor Speak: Meghna Baruah

    I’ve been lucky to work on some developmental projects in the early years of my career as a working professional. As a part of these projects I got an opportunity to interact with young students in the villages of Assam on various educational and developmental issues. A strong memory that I have from those times…