Author: Gopalan Krishnan

  • Holding My Wealth in Trusteeship

    Holding My Wealth in Trusteeship

    In my previous blog, I had shared my journey of setting up Rukmani Trust, and our focus on educating the rural girl child to bring about lasting change in society. As the vision statement of the trust evolved, we recognized the need to leverage technology for inclusive education and bridge the rural-urban digital divide. The…

  • Here’s why we set up a public trust to support girl child education in rural India

    Here’s why we set up a public trust to support girl child education in rural India

    “Income of poorest fifth plunged 53% in 5 yrs; those at top surged.” The Indian Express – January 24, 2022 Just how many times do we encounter such headlines and choose to simply turn the page? Yet it was precisely this news piece that highlights the sharp contrast the pandemic has had on the bottom…